torsdag 31 januari 2013

CRM has encountered a problem

I recently ran into the annoying pop up when I closed a window saying CRM has encountered a problem... asking if I wanted to send a message to Microsoft. When I looked at the info about to be sent, the error message was "The disk is full".

This made me a bit worried since I just cleared trace logs since june on that machine after a lot of testing and reconfiguration of the ADFS and IFD. The disk was far from full I realized after logging in to the server and taking a look, no problems in the database either.

I tried to find similar errors but there were no real answers for me which turned me to Microsoft's forum where I asked a question about this.
The obvious answer I got was "Have you turned on trace and looked at the logs?". That was of course one thing I hadn't done, even though I had a look at the trace directory, and an almost as obvious return question as "have you published your changes".
The trace gave me a clue about where to look since the culprit was the "refresh.png" in the Activity Feeds addon.

This clue gave me a bit more to go on and there were indeed quite a few having problems with activity feeds i general and the refresh.png in particular. One thing that was common was that the error message in the trace gave the path as ".../refresh.png" when the web resource name is ".../msdyn_/refresh.png". The second path was accessable with a browser and the first one wasn't. Still I have had Activity Feeds work on several installations so the addon itself can't be the entire problem.

On the website for Activity Feeds I saw  few comments about Activity Feed not being available in this or that langage. That made me a bit curious since we had an English server installation with a Swedish MUI on top and the tennant I had problems with had Swedish as base language.
I opened the organization and enabled English, refreshed the Explorer and bingo, no problems anymore.

This raises a few questions. Why can Activity Feed translade a faulty URL when there is English provishoned? Why did the Swedish base language mess things up (I suppose) and why on earth is the error message sent to Microsoft "The disk is full".

The error messages in CRM is a story by itself so this is no "one hit wonder".

Rickard Norström
Developer at CRM-Konsulterna   

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