söndag 27 november 2016

SQL Error when importing an organization

I had a very weird moment the other day when I was trying to rename an organization in CRM. All of a sudden I got an error saying SQL server is unavailable.

The funny thing is that I opened the deployment manager and disabled and deleted the organization without any issues whatsoever. When I was going to re-import it it all seemed smooth as always, I got to choose the database server and which organization I wanted to import, then I got to name it, which was what I wanted to change, and the reporting server URL plus user mapping passed after that.

Here's where things went south. The always dreaded checks and this time it broke down on me on the SQL server check saying that the SQL server was unavailable, no path could be found.

I obviously found this very annoying and also sort of strange since I set up the server a couple of days ago and all of a sudden it couldn't talk to the SQL, which it obviously had been talking to a couple of seconds earlier since I'm HOPING that the deployment manager doesn't just guess about things like orgnaization names and stuff like that.

On the SQL server there were no error messages so it didn't look like an SQL error, all the services was up and running, but I restarted a couple of them just to be sure. When I tried to import the organization again I ran a "netstat -n" on the CRM server and it tried to do something over port 445, which is part of the ports that are needed for AD authentication according to the IG, it is sort of weird that it got blocked or if it has always been blocked weitd that it has been working.

The solution was to open port 445 on the SQL server and then the checks went through fine and I could import the organization with a new name.

Rickard Norström
Developer at CRM-Konsulterna

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